Armatus has a one-of-a-kind tool that could get you more from your warranty reimbursement.

Discover the true potential of your dealership with S.W.A.T. - the Statutory Warranty Analysis Tool. Your Armatus specialist will meet with your team to use this groundbreaking tool to help examine your customer pay data and suggest improvements that will help boost your store's bottom line in both warranty and customer pay! This comprehensive data analysis will provide several "what-if" scenarios for your dealership and discover opportunities to optimize pricing, discounting policies and more.

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  • What if you adjust pricing on certain repairs under the market rate?

  • What is the impact of your planned door rate increase?

  • What if you implemented matrix or grid pricing?

As an Armatus customer, your S.W.A.T. analysis is FREE. Not a customer yet? Contact us today and one of our Warranty Specialists will be happy to help. Unlock your dealership's full potential by contacting us now!

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